Search Gems: Sites for Special Searches

These 21 specialty (and less-well-known) search sites are strong alternatives to the big guys. They let you focus your searches on specific topics.
Message board central. Find postings from all over the Web on topics such as arts and antiques, computers, outdoor recreation, sports, and travel.
Truly nerdy tech specs. When you need details on a technology or a component down to the geek level, search here and you'll get plenty of info.
Deep links. The site says that its public directory gives you access to over 100,000 databases and search engines.
Digital Librarian
A librarian's eyes. Here you'll get a librarian's view of the best links for both mainstream and offbeat research. It's also useful for academic topics.
Completely commercial-free. This volunteer-led directory categorizes sites in much the way that Yahoo's directory does, but without all the sponsored links and banner ads.
GPO Access
Gov granddaddy. This catalog of U.S. government publications might overwhelm you with information. The Web site has copies of all federal agency reports from 1994.
The Invisible Web Directory
Public records sleuth. This site delivers URLs for some off-the-beaten-path databases of public records. It covers a range of areas such as business, legal, medical, technical, and other specialized data.
Word wizard. You get to search among research topics and language tools at this site. You can try the translating tools for 15 languages, legal dictionaries, a computing terms dictionary, and even a thesaurus tool that can help you solve crossword puzzles.
Metasearch master. Carry out metasearches using combinations of popular sites that you pick and choose. You can search the Web, MP3s, news, and pictures--and avoid the paid sites that most other metasearch tools favor.
Find and map it. Run queries for hotels, auto shops, and other businesses anywhere in the world and watch a map pop up displaying the locale.
Magazine mania. You can search through a huge archive for specific magazine articles, or browse topics like "small business" or "recruiting."
Pandia Search Central
Search on search. This site offers useful lists of search engines and directories that handle queries on images, news, shopping, online radio, discussion groups, and more.
News in context. This one-stop shop lets you search breaking news from wire services and newspapers. You can also tap into research sites for medical, education, and government topics.
Search Engine Colossus
Going global. Here you'll find links to regional search engines in 196 countries (and counting). You can search by topic, as well--art, Buddhism, kids, music, and wine are a few.
Multimedia jackpot. Search international sources for audio and video clips, news stories, and more. Where else will you find the Moulin Rouge soundtrack in different languages on the first try?
Statistical Resources on the Web
Stats in a sec. The site gives you a quick way to search for everything from A to, er, W. Hunt for statistics on everything from aging and ancestry to watersheds and wildlife.
People and places. Want to call the plumber you used in the next town over, but can't remember the name of his business? Search here for "plumber" by town name.
International people and places. Here you'll find links to Yellow Pages, White Pages, e-mail addresses, and fax numbers from more than 170 countries around the world.
Hooked on organization. This unusual, ad-free, and highly useful search tool queries multiple search sites and organizes the results by type of document--message boards, maps, or images, for example--not just by site name.
MP3s and more. This Canadian metasearch site lets you search news topics, online auctions, MP3s, and books. You can use its friendly MP3 search tool without viewing any music ads.
Bit o' Brit. This British site gives you everything from art history facts to academic topics to music terms to famous quotations, using a collection of reference books.